BIOSPHERE HINTS AND TIPS VIDEO If your video does not run, make sure that you have Video for Windows runtime Version 1.1 (or better) installed. If not, a copy is included on this disc. Run "E:\vidwin11\setup" (where E is your CD-ROM drive, from Program Manager, to install the necessary run-time files. One or two of the animations, and the opening video sequence in particular, only really work well from double speed CD-ROM drives that are correctly set up. If you are experiencing problems, check the MSCDEX installation parameters (set up in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT) against those recommended by your drive manufacturer. COLOUR DISPLAY ISSUES It is best to run at a screen resolution of 640x480, so that BIOSPHERE fills the screen. You will only get the best colours from the images in BIOSPHERE if you are running Windows in 256 (or more) colours. The individual images are all 256 colou images. Users of BIOSPHERE with computers capable of displaying 32,000 colours may wish to select an appropriate driver from their Windows Setup BIOSPHERE may run more slowly, though! DISK STORAGE REQUIREMENTS BIOSPHERE install the absolute minimum number of files to the user's hard disk. This is at the expense of performance, but is believed that most users would rather have the hard disk space than the speed improvement. Apart from the necessary DLLs, BIOSPHERE only installs a single icon file, of 766 bytes.